Personalized Pain Management Without Surgery

We focus on long term pain relief, improvement of function, and quality of life at our practice.

Our goal is not to just treat your pain, but also to get you back to doing the things you love. 

For some patients’ this means:

  • Pick up a grandchild…
  • Finish a round of golf…
  • Sitting pain-free in a fishing boat…
  • Even standing a few hours at the local firing range.
  • Climbing a flight of stairs to sleep in the same room as a spouse.

Pain Management in Irving, TX

about us

Who Are We?

Southwest Pain Management is a patient-centered practice providing exceptional care and effective treatments for patients with a wide range of painful conditions. We are the leading experts in the pain management procedure in Texas. Recovery is just around the corner and relief truly does begin here. We provide the Next Level of care.

The team at Southwest Pain Management specializes in the use of conservative approaches to pain management, helping patients avoid unnecessary surgeries as well as helping them to find alternatives to reliance on pain medications.


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