How to Restore Lost Smell and Taste After Anosmia

The first bite of a slice of pizza. The icy chill of an iced coffee on a hot summer day. The aroma of honeysuckle, firewood, and your mother’s perfume. Smells and taste connect us to memories and help form them, too, and losing these senses can make life feel far less rewarding for many people.

After the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of people were left with anosmia (loss of smell) and parosmia (loss of taste). Once thought to be only a symptom of infection, these enduring traits can affect people for months after their initial infection of the virus has resolved.

Thus far, the most effective treatment for loss of smell and taste has proven to be stellate ganglion block, a one-time round of two injections that can provide long-term relief and restore smell and taste to your life.

Causes of Anosmia

Anosmia is most commonly caused by bacterial or viral infections. While COVID-19 has been, by far, the most prevalent cause of anosmia in recent years, Yale Medicine supports other infections as a potential cause, including influenza, acute sinusitis, and even hay fever. 

Some patients are born with the inability to smell, and other conditions may develop due to neurological conditions and injuries, such as Alzheimer’s disorder, a brain aneurysm, Huntington’s disease, and Kallman’s syndrome.

Signs and Symptoms of Anosmia

You don’t have to live with anosmia or go through this alone. Don’t worry. You will be able to taste your favorite pasta dish; it might just be a couple of weeks before we get you back to peak health. 

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, it’s important to contact your doctor:

  • Loss of smell, either suddenly or gradually
  • Reduced ability to distinguish between smells
  • Difficulty adjusting to and recognizing scents after a cold or sinus infection 
  • Lowered sense of taste 
  • In rare cases, some people experience pain or discomfort while smelling scents

If your symptoms have been continuous, you may be experiencing the side effects of long-haul covid. Seeing a long-haul covid specialist can help you get to the root of your anosmia and nip it in the bud. 

The Emotional Impact of Anosmia

Not everyone in your life is going to understand what you are going through. While it may not seem like that severe of an issue, anosmia can have a deep emotional impact on the way you express yourself. One of the most common symptoms of anosmia is anxiety and depression. This is because some patients feel limited and isolated by their inability to use their senses. 

Contact South West Pain Management for Anosmia Treatment 

Southwest Pain Management is determined to bring your senses back to life. We understand the psychical and psychological implications of anosmia and long haul covid. It’s time to get your life back on track and live fully. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and work with our renowned specialists who are dedicated to long-haul covid recovery. 

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