
Chronic Pain Treatment in Irving, TX

What Causes Chronic Pain?

Interventional pain management relies on controlling pain and improving function with the use of injections that target an inflamed area or by blocking pain signals from damaged nerves.

In general, we can precisely target any damaged muscle, ligament, tendon, nerve, or joint.

Targeted and injected steroids have several advantages. When you take an oral steroid, or have it injected into the muscle of your hip or buttocks, only 0.5% or less of the medicine will actually get to the spot that is painful. The rest circulates in your blood stream potentially causing many side effects.

With precise x-ray or ultrasound guidance, our experts can get a needle tip close to the painful area and deliver the entire dose of medication directly to source of the pain while protecting other vital structures.

Chronic Pain Treatment

We often use steroids because they fight inflammation, however we have other options available as well. For those that want a naturopathic option or simply can’t have steroids, there are other options. We also offer hyaluronic acid (viscosupplementation) as a cushion for major joints.

Regenerative medicine products such as platelet rich plasma (PRP), amnion, or your own adult stem cells can also be injected into degenerated joints or painful areas. We can successfully treat partially torn ligaments, tendons, and muscles without surgery and the pain of recovery and rehabilitation.

We also provide non-medication-based pain relieving options such as a peripheral nerve stimulator, a spinal cord stimulator, or bracing appliances for the back and knee.

For those who prefer to be sedated for procedures and injections, we have board certified anesthesia specialists to provide safe in-office anesthesia in our state-of-the art procedure suite. This type of anesthetic does not require a breathing tube or ventilator.

Relief Begins Here

Southwest Pain Management in Irving, Texas is a patient-centered practice providing exceptional care and effective treatments for patients with a wide range of pain conditions.

We combine expertise with modern facilities to provide you unmatched care. Use the Request an Appointment button (below), email us at, or call 214 305-8004 to discover how we can improve your health and quality of life.

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