
Foot Pain

Foot Pain

Many things can cause foot pain, including arthritis, injury, bursitis, flat feet, and wear and tear. Pain can also be associated with swelling and stiffness.

We treat many different types of foot pain, including achilles tendonitis, which is an injury to the Achilles tendon that connects the calf muscle to the heel bone. It is also sometimes called tendonitis of the heel. This injury is usually caused by repetitive strain.

Achilles tendonitis causes pain along the tendon or back of the heel and can keep you from doing the activities you love. We can help with Achilles tendonitis and other causes of foot pain and get you back to doing what you enjoy.

We also treat plantar fasciitis and bone spurs without surgery.

Southwest Pain Management will complete a thorough medical evaluation to diagnose your foot pain. We will discuss treatment options to speed up your healing time and reduce discomfort. Our team offers physical therapy, custom inserts, braces, regenerative medicine, medications, and more.

Relief Begins Here

Southwest Pain Management in Irving, Texas is a patient-centered practice providing exceptional care and effective treatments for patients with a wide range of pain conditions.

We combine expertise with modern facilities to provide you unmatched care. Use the Request an Appointment button (below), email us at [email protected], or call 214 305-8004 to discover how we can improve your health and quality of life.

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